We took a trip North and stopped by what turns out to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Just look and these pictures. These were taken at a stop on the scenic drive through the dunes. The first picture is amazing. Click on it to enlarge. The slope of the dune drops off right where Gabbie is standing.
In the last picture if you look closely, you can see Will, Matthew(my nephew) and me at the bottom of the dune. What a great experience. Although, I must warn you all that it is very important to instruct a 7 year old on the proper way to descend a steep dune. I forgot to tell will to go slowly and not take too many large jumps at one time. He fell head over heals tumbling for alost 100 feet of the descent. Once I got to where he stopped falling down the dune, he pulled his head out of the sand and said, "I'm OK, Dad". It was one of the most frightening things I have ever seen, but thankfully no one was hurt.